

You have two Options

Get every program we have in our inventory for one low monthly payment of $900for each monthly rental. You can rent whenever you want, stop whenever you want, and resume whenever you want. We even supply the laptop along with MS Office! All you have to provide is the GPIB interface.


New for 2023 – Rental software from VeeCal!

Get every program we have in our inventory for one low monthly payment of $900 for each monthly rental. You can rent whenever you want, stop whenever you want, and resume whenever you want. We even supply the laptop along with MS Office! All you have to provide is the GPIB interface. To put this in better perspective consider this. A fully loaded tech works 2080 hours a year. At $10,800 a year that works out to a paltry $5 an hour.

Four dollars an hour to handle scopes, meters, spectrum analyzers, even micrometers!

Additionally, we provide full support whenever you need it, 7 days a week – 24 hours a day.

All drivers, spreadsheets, and programs will come preloaded on the laptop to your door. We even pay shipping direct to you. (Customer pays shipping back to us at the conclusion of rental)

Once the laptop arrives, you will need to configure a GPIB to USB interface of your choice. We recommend and use National Instruments but have used other manufacturers in the past. Once you have successfully configured the GPIB, you will need to logon to the internet and allow us to update the computer’s KeyLock device. From there we turn it over to you and let you begin calibrating.

Imagine getting 1300+ programs, over 180 instrument drivers already built, along with the spreadsheets for literally 25% of the cost of a technician’s (standard) salary for the month. Incredible increases in speed for calibration will be seen immediately which in turn will drive down your costs and increase your profitability.

All rental laptops automatically qualify for updates as they are created at no additional charges which also includes new procedures.